Dave Kush
Lab Director
Language Processing and Linguistic Theory
The Eyelands Lab/ØyeLab is a lab dedicated to understanding what knowledge humans have about their languages and how they put that knowledge to use in real-time language processing. We are jointly based in the Department of Language Studies at UTSC and Department of Language and Literature
at NTNU. The lab is affiliated with the CAP Lab at UTSC.
Lab Director
PhD Candidate
Acquisition, Computational Modelling, Psycholinguistics
Lab Coordinator
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Lab Coordinator
Syntax, Psycholinguistics
MA Student
Syntax, Psycholinguistics
Sentence Processing, Memory
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
PhD Student
L2 and L3 Acquisition
Affiliate Member
Syntactic and Semantic Theory