
The Elikorpus 


Inspired by Elika Bergelson('s frequent speech errors)

Datum Diagnosis Source, Context
There was a cake that there wasn't eaten any of on the table. Stranded quantifier in base position EB
Is that the task that we're trying to figure out what happens during? Adjunct Island EB
Pizza won't deliver to that block, so the real estate can't be that nice. Metonymic middle? EB
I have people on my buddy list who I don't know who are. Wh-Island (Relativization) -- Also has flavor of a superiority violation but that's hard to tell EB
That was louder than it hurt. Degree mismatch EB, [having just slapped someone, the result of which was a loud sound]
I'll only step in two inches deep or less puddles. EB
Does he want that made copies of? Pseudo-passive MW
That would involve controlling for factors that we don't know whether you controlled for. Whether-Island I. Sag, at Islands Mayfest
He's the kind of character that you don't care what happens to. Wh-island DO
That's the function that I want to find a brain area that performs. RC-Island Violation EL
I wore clothes that I didn't care whether got wet. Whether-Island, bonus: subject extraction DK
But it's not clear that that's map-on-able on to this. Phrasal-Verb --> Adjective EB
Ew, I'm getting your bottom-of-shoe bacteria in my ears! EB
A: Do you know what needs to be done, that I might do tomorrow?
B: The fridge defrosted.
SC elliptical response EB
I think that for the next one that we're both free during we should do that. Relativization out of Adjunct EB
She's at a lab where a bunch of people who work live in somerville. Subject-Island ER
The executive is the person for whom the buck stops at their desk. Bad pied-piping and Resumptive CNN talking-head discussing Sarah Palin's RNC speech
We're trying to find out what parts of the brain do we have a good idea are doing storage and what are doing retrieval. Bad Subject ATB EL
`...[to] R-M D (with whom after speaking nearly always results in a breakthrough)' Relativization out of Adjunct <from an acknowledgments section of a thesis> Pointed out by ED
There was nothing that looked like one should go in it. Resumption of neg-element EB
Can you think of a minimal pair in spanish that distinguish [k] and [g]? Agreement Error (Plural Percolation) MA
It's not just a question of how fast I speak, which I do. Bad VP-ellipsis NM
Are you terrible with women and don't know what you're doing? Coordinate structure Violation with Subject-Aux Inversion Craigslist Community Posting
Two terms I'm going to be using a lot but are important I make clear. Bad ATB? EB
[I'm] Working on making this baby darker and have more contrast. Illicit coordination of SC-types some art blog
one of the things we see that often justify use of the timing tier Agreement Attraction out of Partitive PA
A: What're you cooking?
B: Dave dinner.
"...its real pleasures are idiosyncratic, revealing themselves the more attentively and often you listen." http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/node/148380
Within 4 blocks of here I have 4 friends who are living RCI-Violation DK
"He doesn’t have Cheney’s cartoonish need for power and greed that’s so off the charts you don’t even understand how Cheney got that way." Principle C violation? Maureen Dowd: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/18/opinion/18dowd.html?_r=1&em
...the sort of light fittings that take a whole lot of men and scaffolding to change the bulbs in. MD
This is the phenomenon that they didn't know what to do about. Wh-Island-Violation BI
[...When all the other farms were going under], that's how they survived their farm. `Survive' as a causative KG
I've always longed for a brother like [name], now I do. Bad Ellipsis RG
...and on goes back the big bandaid Locative Inversion With Phrasal Verb JM
it depends on how who prioritizes job happiness Wh-Island, Superiority Violation EB
No, I understand why they don't though -- We get cried wolf a lot around here. Passivization of Intransitive SH
This guy stole this woman's car that he was on a date with. Extraposition out of a Possessor (Left-Branch) DK
I'm also really bad at keeping secrets and bad at not being paid lots of attention to. Pseudo-passive Anon.
I'm sending you a sentence i'm trying to figure out why is hard. Wh-Island -- Subject across Adjunct EB
The options that everyone are considering ... Agreement Attraction ST
They look but they tell themselves they aren't. Bad Ellipsis Antecedence Don DeLillo, Underworld, p. 59
There are more than one artists with this band name. Notional and Grammatical number mismatch, Comparative Trouble last.fm bio for band `Cave'
"It remains to be seen whether people will shell out upwards of $500 for a device they're not sure they need, and aren't certain how they'll use." Wh-Island violation: Bonus: ATB Huffington Post 1/29/10, on iPad (Thanks to CP)
"Wait a minute - I'm going to look for someone that I don't know who they are." Wh-Island violation with resumption Doctor Who - End of Time Spoof on Youtube
Against Iran, I can understand why China wouldn't want sanctions. Wh-Island violation, bonus: topicalization Commentator on Diane Rehm Show 02/10/10, 10:27AM
Can I be cut a slice [of bread]? Passivization of a Benefactor - perhaps weirder because of modal PA
Comes in a small un-belch-inducing size bottle. Illicit prefixation Energy Drink Commercial
[...Looking at an unidentifiable bit of roadkill...] I don't even know what that's a dead. Wh-Extraction of NP, stranding D and Adj TH
We don't think babies probably do that. Neg-Raising blocked by quantificational adverb LP
But the angry animal has even learned to spot when the front door is open – and runs into the house. telegraph.co.uk http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7598209/Pheasant-attacks-man.html#
It's one of those new media sources that the people who write for are mostly freelance. RC-Island + Subject Island Violation DK
The cell that I told you that modifies the choice... That-trace NACS colloquium 04/30
It's a lab where there are a lot of people who I respect that work RC-Island()?) D Klein
It really culminated the four years I spent here Transitive use of `culminate' http://www.annarbor.com/news/president-barack-obamas-commencement-address-a-great-memory-for-u-m-graduates/
i figured i'd talk about the one thing that i know more ____ than you folks do so that I don't look stupid. Preposition Drop inside RC R. Stanley Williams, on the Memristor. Video available on Youtube
That's the paintbrush that they painted the house on TV, remember? Preposition Drop inside RC MH
There are words that I'm a native speaker and I've never seen before. CSC violation DK
Whoever wants to meet whoever wherever would be great EB
To Gray will now almost certainly go the mayor’s office; the general election is a mere formality here. Formal Writing Fail: Overgeneralization of Locative Inversion(?) http://www.tbd.com/articles/2010/09/d-c-primary-election-2010-d-c-mayor-9556.html
I don't stalk every girl that he friends on facebook and decide that I'm prettier than her. (Pseudo)-binding without c-command CR
There is nothing that is close enough to each other to walk to. Unlicensed reciprocal SL
A: I'm sorry, Jenna. You have failed the test of intelligence.
B: Oh really? Well so are you!
Unlicensed ellipsis 30 Rock, Season 5, Episode 4
What band do you like every single song they have put out?
Wh-movement out of island with resumption reddit.com, 02/10/11
We talked about the syntax box and what are the nature of the rules...what the nature of the rules is." Post-verbal Agreement Attraction TB, Syntax I lecture
What are you going to call Aunt Jill and say? CSC Violation, though reanalyzable as 'purposive' infinitival? LM
...that I'd like you to ask me to rate.
Intended:... that I'd like to ask you to rate.
Phrasal/Argument Swap. Bonus: Swap results in overt-realization of message-level empty category (PRO). DK
...take 'em to the back of my truck to rot them. Transitive use of 'rot', similar to emergence of 'to disappear s.o.' Hodgy Beats, on "Ooh" from PLay Cloths Holiday Mixtape 2011
This is something that we already have evidence that happens. Extraction from RC-Island SL
Another computational problem is what the distribution of sounds are, and figuring that out. Agreement attraction JL
I'm less likely to go into a place that i don't know what's gonna hapen to me when I go in. Wh-Island violation and Adjunct MM
On a daily basis in someone's life, I'm going to make a difference. Fronting of a non-constituent Bus Ad for NJ Blue Cross Blue Shield
I've never been in the zone like that before, probably never will again. Ellipsis without antecedent identity Chief Miles O'Brien, Star Trek: Deep Space 9 s03e21
Is there a language like Ottawa that you know someone who might speak? RC-Island violation SM 01/31/13
"In some cases, the breast-baring baristas wouldn't sell coffee at all, and only be paid for showing skin, according to the Associated Press." Bad Coordination, exacerbated by contraction http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/21/bikini-baristas-strip-shows_n_2733351.html
"They're here looking at the equipment and getting explained how things work. Get-passive with IO subject SL
"This is the step that Stowe is most interested in her paper." Drop of stranded preposition (related to identity with P in following phrase?) EL
"I harbor a bunch of presuppositions that I have no idea why." Wh-Island violation (Relativization), ellipsis of Island IP AW
"I'm being have...ing" (intended: "I'm behaving.") Decomposition of one lexical item into two, misattachment of suffix DK
"I don't know anyone with a PhD from Tufts. But to be fair, there are a lot of places that I don't know a person who's got a phd from." RC-Island, Negative Island violation
"Just sold something on ebay... that the shipping will cost me more than I am getting paid" Vacuous Relativization, Intended Gap Site inside a Subject Island Facebook Wall Post
"Those burgers take really quick to eat." Duration NP replaced by Adverb AS
"He's an Ohio, who lives in engineer." (intended "He's an engineer who lives in Ohio.") NP Transposition -- BONUS:Proper and Common noun swap! DK
"They wanted to know which event he was the first man who was killed during." (discussing a trivia question on Crispus Attucks. Answer: Boston Massacre) Island Violation (RC/Adjunct) DK
"I never said this clace was plassy." (Intended: "I never said this place was classy.") Spoonerism, BONUS: transposition does not result in lexical items, DOUBLE BONUS: [pl] onset most likely primed by talk of "plastic cups" in previous sentence. DK
"Since each other are the only people editing the entry we care about, let's make a pact to not check it until one of us hears something." Unlicensed Reciprocal in Subject position EB, by email
Those are the decisions that coaches are afraid that they will be punished if they make. Adjunct Island Violation Colin McEnroe, 1/20/15
There were no reading of social cues. Agreement attraction error. BONUS: post-verbal attractor, DOUBLE BONUS: attractor inside DE-QP AS
Nobody the fuck trained us for this. Misplaced emphatic modifier (overgenerlization from wh paradigm?: Who the fuck trained us for this?) EB (submitted by EB and DK2 independently)
What would you hope to have a model that did? Wh-movement from an RC DK
There are no psychologists who know what imperfectivity are Agrement attraction from a more distant head AND Wh-Island violation DK
Making slides take time. Agrement attraction. RE
I need three verbs that people would have intuitions about how you form their past tense. Relativization out of Wh-Island, genitive resumptive. DK